Engineering Geology
Sea Bluff Retreat
Sea bluff definition and estimates of retreat rates are required for permitting of improvements to coastal properties by local and state agencies. Cleath-Harris Geologists evaluates the location of the sea bluff over history using aerial photographs, topographic/property boundary surveys, and improvements that have been undermined to establish 50-100 year retreat rates and the episodic failures that can occur. Bluff face stability is assessed based on geologic formations and their structure. Storm wave run-up and tsunami wave run-up are estimated and considered when understanding the historic and future erosional conditions. Climatic changes that are being projected will impact our coastal bluffs and sea water level changes evaluated by a review of various climatic models. Setback requirements are recommended based on site studies and regulatory compliance documents.
75 Zaca Lane, Suite 110
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
(805) 543-1413 • [email protected] Cleath-Harris Geologists © 2024
San Luis Obispo, California 93401
(805) 543-1413 • [email protected] Cleath-Harris Geologists © 2024